We Have a Chancellor: Press Announces That De Blasio Has Chosen Carmen Farina

December 30, 2013


After weeks of hopes and fears and endless internet speculation, it now appears that Mayor Elect Bill De Blasio has selected Carmen Farina, an experienced educator to lead the New York City Department of Education out of the debacle created by twelve years of the reckless experimentation, ceaseless union busting and privatization efforts by Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

She has her work cut out for her. Farina is very well thought of by many activist teachers. The mere fact that she is an educator — not a former federal prosecutor (Joel Klein ) or a magazine publisher
( Cathy Black) or a political appointee ( Dennis Walcott) — is, as absurd as it sounds, a major move in the right direction.

It is, I think,
impossible for someone who has not taught in the NYC public school system in the past decade or so, to grasp how deeply and insidiously Bloomberg ( with help from his fellow “reformers” up to and including Obama ) has degraded the lives of students and cheapened, almost beyond recognition, the noble and ancient vocation of teaching and the very idea of education itself.

May amateur hour be finally and mercifully over.

Godspeed, Carmen. You’ll need it. And the teachers and the kids and their parents need a real leader who knows of what she speaks and what she does.

12 Responses to “We Have a Chancellor: Press Announces That De Blasio Has Chosen Carmen Farina”

  1. Barbara Says:


  2. Philip Nobile Says:

    May I suggest that folks interested in Carmen Farina’s elevation read my story “The Carmen Farina Nobody Knows” posted on Diane Ravitch’s blog?

  3. ellen keaey Says:

    I hope this choice made by DeBlassio helps the school system. I was also pleased to hear he chose Zachary Carter for Corporation Counsel. I had good experiences before Carter when he was a sitting Federal Court District Court judge in the early 1990s. He was honest, hardworking and fair. I liked him a lot. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. […] de Blasio better check with ole’ slick Willy and Hilly to rethink his choice for Chancellor.   He must be mistaken, because Bill, Hillary, Michelle Rhee, Eli Broad, and Bill […]

  5. educator Says:

    An exciting time for New York City children, parents, and teachers! This analysis on Diane Ravitch’s blog http://dianeravitch.net/2013/12/20/tweed-insider-where-the-bloomberg-administration-went-wrong-on-education/
    conclusively demonstrates that 1) the current DOE organizational structures and funding policies have not been successful in creating an environment necessary for a successful and thriving education system 2)the measures of school and teacher performance currently in use, including the school progress reports and teacher value-add evaluations, are not valid, reliable or fair 3) the policy of closing schools and replacing the closed schools with new schools has not successfully addressed the needs of struggling students and schools 4) a portfolio strategy based on market-choice and charter schools has not improved student outcomes

  6. ileneonwords Says:

    I so hope Carmen Farina remembers her roots as a teacher!!!!

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